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Mohammad Hatta

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Mohammad Hatta

Dr. Drs. H. Mohammad Hatta (popularly known as Bung Hatta; born with the name Mohammad Athar in Fort de Kock, Dutch East Indies, 12 August 1902 - died in Jakarta, 14 March 1980 at the age of 77 years) is an Indonesian statesman and economist who served as Vice President of Indonesia first. He and Sukarno played a central role in the struggle for Indonesian independence from Dutch colonialism while proclaiming it on August 17, 1945. He had served as Prime Minister in the Cabinet of Hatta I, Hatta II, and RIS. In 1956, he resigned as vice president because of a dispute with President Sukarno.

Hatta is known for his commitment to democracy. He issued Information X which became the initial milestone of Indonesian democracy. In the economic field, his thoughts and contributions to the development of cooperatives made him dubbed the Father of Cooperatives. 

Hatta died in 1980 and his body was buried in Tanah Kusir, Jakarta. The Indonesian government established him as one of Indonesia's National Heroes on October 23, 1986 through Presidential Decree number 081 / TK / 1986. His name is side by side with Soekarno as Dwi-Tunggal and pinned to Soekarno-Hatta Airport. In the Netherlands, the name is enshrined as the name of a street in the residential area of ​​Zuiderpolder, Haarlem. 

Mohammad Hatta received his first formal education at a private school. After six months, he moved to a public school and was in the same class as his sister Rafiah. However, the lesson stopped in the middle of the third grade. He then moved to ELS in Padang (now Padang 1 High School) until 1913, and continued to MULO until 1917. Outside of formal education, he had studied religion with Muhammad Jamil Jambek, Abdullah Ahmad, and several other scholars . Besides family, trade influenced Hatta's attention to the economy. In Padang, he knew traders who were members of the Oesaha Union and were active in Jong Sumatranen Bond as treasurers. He continued his activities when he attended Prins Hendrik School. Mohammad Hatta remains treasurer in Jakarta.

His grandfather intended to go to Mecca, and on that occasion, he could bring Mohammad Hatta to continue his studies in the field of religion, namely to Egypt (Al-Azhar). This was done to improve the quality of the mosque in Batuhmpar which had indeed declined since Abdurrahman's death. However, this was protested and proposed his uncle, Idris to replace him. According to Amrin Imran's notes, Pak Gaeknya was disappointed and Sheikh Arsyad eventually handed it over to God.

Since schooling at MULO Hatta has been heavily involved in the youth movement. One of them is JBS (Jong Sumatranen Bond), a Sumatran youth association. There he served as treasurer in the central management. In carrying out his duties as a treasurer, he was never negligent and very appreciative of time. For him, wasting time is wasting the opportunity to produce. Once Hatta refused to meet a friend who arrived late, when he promised he would meet him. Because of this, many of his colleagues consider themselves arrogant.
Hatta is a native who actively voiced independence through national movements. As chairman of the Indonesian Association's organization, Hatta realized his idea of ​​escorting Indonesia towards independence. In fact, he once said he would not get married before Indonesia's independence. Proof that Hatta loved his people more than he loved himself. Hatta saw independence not only as a symbol of the nation's grandeur, but also for humanity and civilization.

He criticized many national movements in Indonesia which he considered did not reflect the nation's personality. Hatta once criticized Sukarno for being deemed inconsistent in carrying out non-cooperative demands with the Dutch. At that time, Hatta was furious because Sukarno sent a letter containing his remorse to the Dutch government. Sukarno wrote that he would stop making political movements against the government. He also wrote that he would collaborate with the Dutch government. Hatta criticized Sukarno's actions by writing "Tragedy Soekarno" in the November 30, 1933 Daulat Ra'jat edition.

Hatta strongly emphasized the national movement that was accompanied by awareness, not from the rollicking of the song. Hatta always think deeply about the solution of a problem. For him, every decision taken must be through careful consideration. He always pay attention to various aspects that influence the problem. Indeed in this case, Hatta was more rational than Sukarno who was considered emotional.

While serving as vice president accompanying Sukarno, the relationship between the two was very good. No one knows why these two figures have become so close and affectionate. Every decision they always make together. Very rarely seen disagreements at this time. In fact, in the days of Hatta's national movement often differed from Soekarno's opinion. In fact, it is not uncommon for conflicts to arise between the two. Hatta was more careful in making decisions. Even so Hatta always be firm in defending his decision. He is not rash, but brave and consistent.

Why he became my inspiration

because he has a very high fighting spirit to free Indonesia from colonialism. not only that, even though he was busy with his world affairs, he never forgot his God. in this era, many people are too busy taking care of worldly affairs, but he's not. 

He said,

"What we do in this world will all be accounted for through God's judgment."



Question :

1. M.Hatta born with name?
2. When Moh Hatta is born?
3. wheres Moh Hatta born?
4. where is his first formal education?
5. when he proclaimed independence with Sukarno?


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