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hello all!!

let me introduce myself. my name ifa latifah, you can call me ifa. i was born in bandung 9 july 2004. i have two sisters and one brother, i am the third child. my hobby is reading, i love fantasy books. i like fantasy book because when i was eight years old my sister give me a lot of comics, after comics my sister reading some novel, i follow her to reading a novel too. since that i love to reading novel.

i always follow my sister, when my sister became a kpopers, i became a kpopers too.
she is my second sister.

for my oldest sister, sometimes she gives an item that she doesn't think will use it. that might be useful for me.

and my youngest brother, he is very spoiled kid. maybe because he is the youngest child he becomes a spoiled child.

now this is all i can introduce.



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